Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Thos lil things....

mmm..wel..guys wot r thos things which add speck of pleasure to yer Life?...
some say itz thos simple things which count in life..nd i beleive its true..thez things bring immense pleasure to our lives..

...The sight of yer doggie clumsily swayin nd flapping his ears wen u r leaving home makes yo realise dat ther is tis cutie pie who alwayz misses u...The flood of relief wen mum says the milk-man absented himself again...(How i hhate drinkin milk :P)...The feelin of content on gettin into the college bus after chasing it, for being late to the bus stop...A call frm dat special someone which makes yer heart skip a beat..:)...The pleasure derived frm stealin a kiss frm a baby sleepin...the fun in teasing a frend...
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the simple things in life...can be a whispered 'i luv u'..u'll be amazed at how thos wordz can make u feel less blue..:)

the simple things in life can be the cry of a new born baby...or the memory of our first luv datz gone...

the simple things in life can be the delight on yer frenz face while opening yer present....or the pleasure on accidentally findin yer favourite chocolate or icecream in the freezer...or the sigh of relief nd a smile of victory after successfully liftin yer favourite stuffed toy/keychain frm a shop without gettin caught :P....or chasing a frend in the college for pulling yer leg...
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The best times in one's life are the times when you are yapping wit yer frenz nd cousins till dawn...thos sleepess nites at home wit frenz playin dumb-c nd watching movies over popcorn ..or when you are cheering your best friend to score the winning points for your school team... or simply when you surprise your parents on their wedding anniversary by baking a cake...or wen havin fun wit frenz on the budday parties while kickin their bums nd painting each other's faces with the icing of cake ....or wen u drench in the rain dancing with frenz....
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or the times wen yer frend says how much u really mean to him/her ..or the nervousness on yer first date...or the feelin of exuberation on seeing the call letter of yer frist job...or stumbling upon the contact number of yer good ol' chum in an old dusted diary...

one of mah fav quote goes sumthin like tis..
If one could only learn to appreciate the little things ... A song that takes you away, for there are those who cannot hear. The beauty of a sunset, for there are those who cannot see. The warmth and safety of your home, for there are those who are homeless. Time spent with good friends for there are those who are lonely. A walk along the beach for there are those who cannot walk. The little things are what life is all about. So learn to appreciate

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hmm....so peepz me is signing off hummin.. life is beautiful!! Adios


Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful post.. me become nostalgic.. true- Happiness is in simple things! only thing needed is u need to appreciate the beauty in it.. good post.. & nice 2 cya regular again.. keep it gunning

1:57 AM  
Blogger rohini said...


thanx man!!...:)

3:39 AM  
Blogger incognito said...

dont write such nostalgic stuff ron! *sniff sniff*...
and dont blog so regularly!!:D
i'll start gettting a complex!

3:59 AM  
Blogger rohini said...


u kno wot u luk (extra bold) *PRETTY *(extra bold) wen u sniff...

B-complex by any minutest chnace???? :P

4:31 AM  
Blogger Kk said...

Wow ! such senti stuff 4m Craaaaazy ron ! Nice ! Now i know where all the senti mails originate 4m :P

Keep em comin ron !!

10:26 AM  
Blogger freak-y said...

what is so simple again :) ??

i guess it is just a perception, when u look back at them u realise that these are the things that make u most happy. the things that u dont realise immediately..

but when u are aware of the fact that they do matter to us a lot, they are not so simple are they ?

10:33 AM  
Blogger rohini said...


i am bunty's twin..named shenti *wink*..hehe!


yaa teh r simple..now shut up!! :)

7:41 PM  
Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

hos sleepess nites at home wit frenz playin dumb-c nd watching movies over popcorn
Oh yeah...I miss those days...
though we neva had pop corns...but still watching late night movies along with friends was kinda fun

Its true...very small small things can brings loads of happiness in life...but we neglect them all teh time...and trynna search BIG things..

Nice post and thanks for dropping by on ma blog


8:40 PM  
Blogger ravi shankar said...

hai shentie

me too a shentie ..got a company in you...good stuff ron(is that ur nick name??)how the hell can u keep churning out good articles like this??
can u just mail me the secrets..
don't keep them here lest all will know..
keep it going..buddy...
hope u have many of these small moments which make u happy..)

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all thanks 4 stoppin by my blog.do that more often.i realy liked ur blog.its nice 2 c how u give importance 2 all the lil lil things in life.

12:49 AM  
Blogger Vivekanand M said...

awesome post..made me think of all those moments which have happened..runnin behind ma frnd bcos he was pullin ma leg..lol..used to do tat often :D

12:55 AM  
Blogger Prasanna Ramachandran said...

Cool one... I would like to add a few more.. Probably it may sound more philosophical~

The craze to be extraoridinary is oridinary...The moment u bring in thankfulness & gratitude in your life, you experience joy in oridinary things of life... Presence of this joy is "Life" young lady...

Anywayz senti stuff written beautifully... Keep up the good work..

6:38 AM  

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